Creating Custom SKUs

Learn how to create custom SKUs to better organize and track product inventories and orders.

Creating custom skus is one of the oldest best practices in the Amazon eCommerce space. AccelerList allows you to create custom skus by selecting one of our own pre-defined sku tags or by creating your own custom one.

We highly recommend using some sort of custom sku and one that includes the ASIN in the sku so that every MSKU is unique. Not doing so will result in the following error: INVALID_MSKU_REMAP


Steps to create Custom SKUs are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Settings on the left-hand menu
  2. Select any of the pale blue predefined sku tags to start building your custom SKU
  3. Create any personal custom SKU tags in the free form box
  4. Hit the save button and you're ready to list



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