Below is a picture of the main listing page or batch page after you have created a new batch and ready to list. Let's breakdown the screen and show you around a bit.

1. This blue button is how you create new batches. Click on it and fill out the required fields each time you are ready to create a new batch
2. This is our very important right sidebar where we enable all of the different workflows and workflow speeds that you'll need throughout your selling journey on Amazon
3. Point your mouse in this box and make sure your printer is set up with AccelerList and you can either hand type your product description to find it on the Amazon catalog or use your scanner and scan your UPC code.
4. This is our very important menu bar. We've highlighted the Manual and Bug Reporting
5. As you scan products you will see them populate here in the middle section
6. This is where we will post important updates for you on bug fixes, feature additions, and other important messages.